Day 1 (Saturday) of Chalk Art Festival
Here are some photos of the Annual Chalk Art Festival of 2019 in Downtown Denver, Colorado – on Larimer Square. (This seems to be the unofficial mark of Summer beginning in Denver):
Click on photo for lightbox viewing with caption (all photos taken by Ryan with iPhone and edited in Adobe Lightroom)

Photos by Ryan Levander are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
And some videos of the chalk art action:
[wvideo id=”4m4arepg7v”][/wvideo]
[wvideo id=”6l10m4hrjo”][/wvideo]
Photos by Ryan Levander are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Day 2 (Sunday) of Chalk Art Festival
Sunday turned out to not be the best day for Chalk Art, as we had some rain in the morning – although, just an hour. Back 5-6 years ago (when I first moved to Colorado) Colorado used to get almost daily afternoons showers. It would just last 20-30 minutes. It was great for our dry climate here. Let’s hope we’re getting back to that!
I’m pretty sure all the chalk artists (whom most are traveling chalk artists, by the way), bring tents with so they can continue to draw in the rain, as their time is quite limited to finish in just 48 hours.
Here are photos from the last day of the 2019 Chalk Art Festival:
Click on photo for lightbox viewing with caption (all photos taken by Ryan with iPhone and edited in Adobe Lightroom)

Photos by Ryan Levander are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
And a quick video of a 3d illusion creation:
[wvideo id=”xihcutejw6″][/wvideo]
Photos by Ryan Levander are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Did you go to the Chalk Art Festival? Do you have a favorite photo? Comment below 👇🏻
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