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Tana: The Tool I use for Ideation and Creation
I have my AirPods and as you can see because I was doing that so I could walk away from my phone and I could Leave recordings here so you can see it’s going it is recording now. This works for a very long time I’ve probably made 20 minute recordings nothing much longer than …
iContact Camera vs Opal Review
Ryan is providing feedback on the iContact Pro camera, comparing its performance to the OPL camera and the Sony a7S III. He appreciates the positioning of the iContact Pro but is disappointed with its poor camera quality, which makes it unusable for his purposes. Despite facing a window with closed blinds, Ryan demonstrates that the …
Open AI API Rate Limit Solution
If you are experiencing issues with the new rate limiting in OpenAI, then I share my solution with you in this short video. Rate limiting in Open AI is an error code message that’s going to explicitly say that you have hit the rate limit in OpenAI. So what can you do?
The Best Meditation App (For People With No Time To Meditate)
Everyone and their mother is talking about mediation now-a-days. It’s risen steadily over the past several years, but really taken off towards the end of last year and into this year: Now we could attribute this to the whole “new year new you” phase. But it’s still head steady so far this year and there …
The Best Meditation App (For People With No Time To Meditate) Read More »
Readwise: Why everyone should use it. No exceptions.
Readwise: Why everyone should use it. No exceptions. So What is Readwise, anyway? Readwise is a tool to get the most out of what you read. Sounds simple, and it is, but the way they have built it and how you interact with it really shines through. Some people think Readwise is just spaced repetition …
Readwise: Why everyone should use it. No exceptions. Read More »
Chances are either you are or know someone who is an Entrepreneur. And if you are an actual Entrepreneur, chances are you have a lot of friends who are also Entrepreneurs. But did you notice what I said – “If you are an actual Entrepreneur.” Do you know why I said that? Lots of people call …
What All Successful Entrepreneurs Have: Income Diversification Read More »
Denver Chalk Art Festival 2019
Day 1 (Saturday) of Chalk Art Festival Here are some photos of the Annual Chalk Art Festival of 2019 in Downtown Denver, Colorado – on Larimer Square. (This seems to be the unofficial mark of Summer beginning in Denver): Click on photo for lightbox viewing with caption (all photos taken by Ryan with iPhone and …
Welcome home, said Ryan Deiss to the 8,000+ Marketers in the room after his always powerful opening keynote to Traffic and Conversion Summit 2019. And it really is starting to feel like home. Not just Traffic and Conversion Summit, but any handful of these Digital Marketing Conferences that I’ve been going to a lot more of …
The best take-a-ways (and photos) from Traffic and Conversion 2019 Read More »
Why Everyone Should Charge More
Have you ever wanted or needed a service, only to checkout the pricing structure and realize it was totally out of the price range you were thinking (or hoping) it would be? Why do some Consultants charge $2,000 an hour and some charge $50? Regardless of the industry, one thing is for sure. Pricing can …
Conference Recap: Traffic and Conversion Summit
In the increasing Digital world we live in now-a-days, it has really changed how we get around (uber), how we eat (grubhub), how we make meet people (match.com), how we live! I also think that we are so digital, that we get to a certain point and then we want to go back to the …
The 26k Mastermind. I’ve been very blessed to have been apart of Jeff Walker’s team the past year and a half. In being apart of the team, I some of the best perks a Growth Minded Digital Marketer could ever ask for. I get insights and to be apart of one of the best Masterminds …
The $26k Mastermind, Sundance Film Festival, Digital Marketing is a Game Read More »
Investing in Myself, What Worked in 2018, and my Digital Marketing Predictions for 2019
Investing in Myself. I’ve been investing in myself for a while now. I’m not sure exactly what year it dates back to, but it’s always just felt like the right thing to do, even before I had my own business. Now, in having my own business, I invest in myself and my business a lot …
Investing in Myself, What Worked in 2018, and my Digital Marketing Predictions for 2019 Read More »
Hiking Mount Quandary in the Winter
Mount Quandary is one of my favorite Colorado hikes to do in the Winter. It just so happens to be a 14’er, which makes it all that much more epic. Some reasons why I think it remains one of the best Winter 14’ers to summit are: Proximity to Denver (Less than a 2-hour drive from Denver) …
The Holidays in Downtown Denver
Downtown Denver certainly offers a lot during the Holidays. Union Station, much like the City Council building, is all lit up and beautiful at night. Outside of Union Station, they have a market with tents now, as you can see in some photos below. Ice Skating at Skyline Park is just as busy as ever, …
Digital Dealer 25th Anniversary – Las Vegas
I had the opportunity to visit Digital Dealer once again for my 2nd year in a row. I have worked as a Digital Marketer in the automotive industry for 5 years now and I’ve feeling quite confident with all areas of it – and going to conferences like Digital Dealer really help that. Anyone who …
Conversations Conference 2018
I was on the edge about going to “Conversations Conference” 2018. We were just about to open cart for our massive annual Launch from the Internet Alchemy team I’m on, and this was right before that. However, I knew that Messenger Marketing is really the future of Digital Marketing in many ways, so I had to …
Fall in Colorado
Fall is special in so many places. But it’s a different kind of special in colorful Colorado. Fall is my favorite time of the year. That used to be an easy, no-brainer choice in North Dakota and North Carolina (the two places I’ve lived beside Colorado). However, it’s a lot more difficult to choose a …
A Visit To Durango
We had a team get together to map out our User Experience from a member of Jeff’s Mastermind – who made his hundreds of millions (literally) from showing large companies how to develop a user experience journey for their customers. While we weren’t working on that, I got a chance to get the “Durango Feel”…and …
My Traffic and Conversion Summit Agenda!
I’m pretty exited about my first Traffic and Conversion Summit attendance! It’s one of the larger Digital Marketing conferences in the country – there will be no shortage of fantastic information going around in San Diego this weekend! As you all know who have been following me for some time, I’ll a lifelong student and put a …
Mount Evans Views
Took my buddy, Josiah, on his birthday up to Mount Evans. We were going to take the ridgeline that connects Mount Evans to Mount Bierstadt (both 14ers), but we ran out of daylight because of the heavy weekend traffic up on Guanella Pass. Click on photo for lightbox viewing with caption (all photos taken by …
Vacation to Hawaii
My girlfriend, Daniela, and I went to Hawaii for her friend’s wedding. We definitely made a trip out of it as who doesn’t when you go to a place like Hawaii?! From snorkeling to surfing, and almost getting into a lawsuit with a moped company – we really did it all there. (Long story, but …
Andrew’s Glacier Hike
To date, this was probably my favorite hike that I’ve done in Colorado. Which, I know, is saying a lot. I think it also surprised me a bit, as I didn’t expect this to be so diverse, challenging, and for so many different sights on a route very close to where I’ve been before. In July …
Four 14ers in One Day
This route intrigued me, especially because I needed to increase my 14ers that I’ve “bagged” as it isn’t as much as it should be for someone like me. I have hiked a lot of the same mountains multiple times – example, I’ve hiked Longs Peak 11 times as of December 2018…time to summit others at this …
Never Eat Alone: Book Review
I recently listened to a podcast talking about investing in multipliers in life. One of those multipliers are people. Networking. Not in the sleazy 1990s way most people view networking of exchanging business cards and getting straight to the sales pitch. But networking in connecting to one another in a real, authentic way. I heard …
Meet Edwardo. The Overdressed Mountain Goat.
Day before Spring – March 19th, 2017. Quandary Peak: 14,265 feet. [wvideo id=”tznmvr1ucw”][/wvideo]There are SO many ways in which you can change every day routines, like your commute, recycling, your diet, etc…just y being a little more thoughtful. We have much more of an impact than most of us realize… Here are some monetary ways to make …
Weekend Trip to Seattle
Seattle is a city that I have wanted to visit for some time. I have always heard really great things. Had a teammate from college who shared a lot of the same outdoors passions and general lifestyle beliefs I do who had moved there. I figured there had to be some good things going on …
“Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg
A young woman walks into a laboratory. Over the past two years, she has transformed almost every aspect of her life. She has quit smoking, run a marathon, and been promoted at work. The patterns inside her brain, neurologists discover, have fundamentally changed. Marketers at Procter & Gamble study videos of people making their beds. …
See you in November, Stockholm.
Photo Credit: Sweden Nordic Visitor Monday afternoon, 3pm and I randomly booked a trip to Stockholm, Sweden for this fall. Why? Because I haven’t been to Sweden before. That is the only reason I needed. 2016 is a year of action. In business, in relationships, in adventure…in life. I’m not getting any younger for any …
“Modern Romance” by Aziz Ansari
We live in the age of options. Thanks, technology. But, is it too much of a good thing? If we have all these seemingly endless options, why are divorce rates higher than ever (worldwide)? Why are over 50% of households single in metro US cities? Isn’t this contradictory? Well, options definitely have made us picky. …
“Essentialism” by Greg McKeown
Where was this book for me 5 years ago? Man, I really wish I would have come across this sooner when I was a: photographer, videographer, graphic design, web developer, website analyst, branding expert, conversion rate optimizer, and ultimately digital strategist. Point being, we all need to do less in our lives so we can …
Denver Broncos Superbowl Parade
I don’t follow football. At all. But I did watch the second half of the Superbowl the Broncos were in – Superbowl 50 (“L”). Mainly because of one of my favorite breweries a new brew just for it – “Oatmaha” which was apparently a play on words with the offense that Payton Manning liked to run …
Silicon Valley Work Trip
I had the chance to take a work trip out to Silicon Valley for a project I got selected to do for a tech firm which sells computing and storage products and services. This was a really fun opportunity, so I jumped at it, even though it meant moving my schedule around quite a bit (I …
South American Trip: Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina
I traveled to South American back in 2014. I visited Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil. Here are the photos to recap my experiences: Click on photo for lightbox viewing with caption (all photos taken by Ryan with Canon Rebel EOS T3i, iPhone, and edited in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop) Photos by Ryan Levander are licensed under …
South American Trip: Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina Read More »
San Francisco Marathon + Trip
I ran the 2013 San Francisco Marathon as my first ever. I was quite surprised I finished that race as I had a partial hamstring tear just a week before the race. With some awesome physical therapy treatment and staying off it as much as a could, I managed to not further hurt it and …
Fort Collins’ Tour de Fat
Tour de Fat has really become a nation-wide event now. It started in Fort Collins, Colorado. Which is where the headquarter of New Belgium brewing are at, which is the founder of “Tour de Fat”. They donate all or a very large portion of the proceeds to bicycle safety and advocacy. New Belgium has consistently …
My Favorite Cycling Routes
I picked up cycling in college – my freshman year at Mars Hill University (at the time it was Mars Hill College), just outside of Asheville, North Carolina. I was way out there due to a running scholarship. I loved running in college. However, we only got 2 weeks off the entire year, which was our …
The Biltmore Estate
Shortly before moving to Asheville, North Carolina for my undergraduate college years, my parents and I visited “The Biltmore Estate” just before they flew back home to North Dakota. The Biltmore Estate is the largest privately owned house in the United States. We visited all at 178,926 square feet of it and even spent a little time at …
Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth Minnesota
I ran the Grandma’s half marathon in Duluth, Minnesota the summer of 2008. It was a family event as my cousins, aunts, and uncles were all there both running and spectating the event. This was my first visit to Duluth and it quickly earned “favorite Minnesota city” in my book as I really enjoyed it. …
First Chapel Hill, North Carolina Visit
I was a fan (still am, just don’t follow it as much anymore) of North Carolina Basketball since I was about 12 years old. I saw Vince Carter jump to the moon in a game against Duke, and I was hooked ever since. I thought the culture, rivalry, and following UNC (University of North Carolina) …